RAPIDCUT Cordless Fabric Rotary Cutter CB-70
Professional handheld portable heavy-duty battery operated rotary cutter. This cordless heavy duty electric shear works like a pair of hand shears only faster, cleaner and easier. This rechargeable cutter will chomp cleanly and quickly through layers of fabric, leather, vinyl, carpeting, and even fibreglass up to 25mm (1 inch) thick! The 70mm eight-sided rotating blade works against a carbide-tipped stationary counter blade becomes a self-sharpening combination. The powerful brushless motor comes with a heavy-duty 2.2Ah battery pack with separate 4.5Ah also available. A single charge of the 2.2Ah will run for approx 50-60mins of continuous operation and the larger 4.5Ah will run for approx 80-90mins (depending on material and thickness). For continuous operation and no downtime it is always recommended to keep a second battery in the charger ready to go. Also includes built-in simple touch sharpener to extend the life of each blade. Weighs only 1.0kg and is 290mm long.
Cuts the following materials:
Upholstery Fabrics, Drapery Fabrics, Apparel Fabrics, PVC, Foam Rubber, Foam, Paper, Canvas, PVC, Insulation and Carpet.
- Powerful cutting motor with ergonomic balance makes it the most popular handheld layer cutting tool used by all types of professionals.
- Ideal for carpeting, PVC, linoleum, foam rubber, leather, cork, and textile fabrics with ease.
- 70mm 10 Sided rotary blade and carbide stationary blade are a self-sharpening combination.
- Blade Size: 8-sided blade 70mm
- Cutting Capacity: 25mm (1 inch)
- Blade Speed: 1000rpm
- Voltage: 240V battery pack (Australian Plug)
- Weight: 1.0kgs (with 2.2Ah battery)
Spare Parts & Batteries Also Available Separately